Wednesday 28 September 2011

Flat Plan Film Poster

For my final film poster I plan to do something very similar to this poster. I like the font used for the film title, but will consider changing the font across the top of the poster to a more styled writing for my finnished product, i will also have more credits from production company, actors, advertising etc, this will make the poster look more professional look. I really like the composition of the image as my setting for my trailer is in a field or abandoned I feel its a good idea to show some of the setting in the picture. Although I wanted a low key mystery creepy picture as my theme is drama/thriller I still think that a lot scenery would be distracting and take the viewers attention away from the main image so I decided to darken the picture surrounding the girl. Its difficult to make out the background but if you look closely you can see the sky, without any buildings etc in the way, therefore it suggests the film is set away from and city or civilisation.

Monday 26 September 2011

Flat Plan Film Magazine

My flat plan is very plain; it doesn’t have much detail apart from the conventional magazine icons, like the title, sell lines, main features and a main image. The reason for this is that I don’t like my magazine cover to have too much text or too many pictures as I think it makes the cover look unprofessional and there are too many distractions from the main feature. They composition of the model is very unusual, for my finished magazine cover I will use the same type of picture dark, strange looking as it sets a theme for the trailer, it creates mystery etc.

Shutter Island film poster

This film poster is similar to the idea I have for my poster, I mostly like the top half of the image. As my trailer is within the thriller/drama genre I want a low key image for my poster only highlighting part of the character, with lots of shadows to give the mysterious eerie look to the finished poster. However i dislike the picture of the island as I think two different images is distracting to the main focus of the picture. I like the font used and they size of the title, but I think the credits at the bottom of the poster take up too much room and could be made smaller. Although i like the overall layout of the poster.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Shutter Island Movie Trailer

What I really like about this trailer is the way a lot of fade to blacks are used, usually we don’t notice the editing in a trailer or film, but as the camera seems to jump cut then fade to black we pay more attention to the editing rather than the images.  Also i really like the opening of the trailer the very fast paced shots where the camera is fixed in one place and doesn’t move, and I think the boat surrounded in mist sets a mysterious theme very quickly for the film. From this trailer i think the main idea i have decided to use is a voice over as I think it is a good way to get a clear message across about what you films about and character types etc.

Overall plot

My trailer will open with a long establishing shot of an open field with buildings (houses) in the far distance to show how far away the setting/ location of the trailer is from civilisation.  Then a tracking shot will be used as the camera quickly moves along a narrow path and we will be able to hear diegetic sounds of gravel crunching.  The camera will then move into a clearing and the camera will pan left to right  to shown a stereotypical teenage party scene with alcohol, graffiti, music etc. The Camera will then cut to the first character showing him/her from a low angle shot as this will establish the leader of the group. There will be small conversation as the camera moves to each character using a long tracking and cuts to close up/ medium close ups as each of them speak. This gives a quick introduction to each of the characters and we quickly creates stereotypes, and we decide which of them we like and who we don’t etc. Then the scene will totally change there will still be sound from the party(music in the distance etc.) but one character is detached from the group to a darker part of the location, skimming the outside of the tree’s. This is where the trailer starts becoming intense will non diegetic sound building up to the climax of the scene.

Black Swan film Trailer & Poster

The main inspirations I got from this trailer are the editing and the way the storyline is shown. I like how the film is shown to be a regular drama with short clips expaining the storyline with chilled music which matches the pace of the editing in the first minute of the trailer. Although the first half of the trailer arguably does not have any thriller type conventions the director hints that there will be a struggle between good and bad, showing this through setting and costume etc. Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel's characters are dressed in black, the dance studio has black walls, black floor and a lot of the dancers are dressed in black whilst Natalie Portman is dressed in white/pink and various light colours throught the trailer. This shows how the film  differs from other balerina movies as its not the stereotypical happy bright enviroment for a balerina. I also like how the editing starts to quicken in the second half of the trailer with a lot of close ups used, also the music becomes very intense as we reach the climax of the trailer, then the last shot we see is a close up of Nina's face with red eyes this is when the trailer confirms that the film is of the thriller genre as the images are creepy and uncomfortable to watch.

with this poster I really like the image that is used, arguably its an unconventional picture as the genre is thriller/horror which we associate dark colours i.e. black, grey and blue, cold colours. still the girl looks scary and the picture has an eerie look to it. also the

Thursday 22 September 2011


The brief I have chosen for my A2 media studies is the film trailer, with this i will create a  promotion package which will include a film magazine poster and film poster.
I have chosen this brief as I think it is a good opportunity for me to experiment and use my filming skills. Also when making the promotion package I can use editing/photoshop skills that i learned in AS Media.


My Mood Board
 I have created a mood board with images that I think are inspirational for my Teaser trailer. These Pictures are from film posters and film magazine posters, I have chose these  pictures as they are from the same hybrid genre that I want my trailer and final pictures to be. i like the different camera angles of these images from close ups to long shots showing the whole body. i also like the way the texts are used especially on the inception posters.

Reflection Analysis of AS Media

When reflecting on my coursework from my AS Media Studies I am happy with my overall finnished product. Although I think that Icould have improved on my final product by using more suitable images for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. by doing this i could add a more pollished look to my magazine by editing the pictures more in photoshop and making them seem more proffesional. I also think I could add more information to my research and planning as I had minimal research, from collecting more reseach i could have been able to get more better ideas, and from completing more planning the rest of my group could have anaylysed my work and gave me ideas on how i could improve etc.
Although i am happy with my overall out come for my magazine i feel i have developed skills from using photoshop and that these skills will help me in my A2 year of Media Studies.